Unity of Sarasota's Vision
We Are a Beacon of Light and Love
Opening Minds, Touching Hearts, Transforming Lives
FAQs for Visitors
What time is your Sunday service?
The Meditation and Daily Word is now part of our Sunday Celebration Service.
The Sunday Celebration Service is at 10:30 am.
Our Sunday Morning Service is one that celebrates the divine spark in all of us.
Unity of Sarasota is a welcoming and inclusive environment. We embrace the diversity of race, color, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability and sexual orientation.
All are welcome here!
Where are your Sunday services?
Unity of Sarasota services are held in the Sanctuary at 3023 Proctor Road, Sarasota, FL 34231.
What happens at a service?
Our Sunday Morning Celebration Service is one of joy and reverence for the divine spark in all of us. We gather together to pray, sing, listen, and rejoice in the celebration of life. Each service has music, guided meditation, and spiritual lessons shared by our minister or a guest speaker.
What happens when I am a first-time attendee?
We welcome our first-time visitors with an information packet and a seashell necklace that we ask you to wear, so our congregants will make a special effort to greet you and get to know you. The necklace also allows you first-in-line privileges in our Gratitude Café after the service.
What denomination are you?
Unity is a movement in spiritual consciousness, rather than a denomination or a religion. We believe that God is Spirit, the loving Source of all that is. God is the one power, all good, everywhere present, all wisdom. God is divine energy, continually creating, expressing and sustaining all creation. In God, we live and move and have our being. In Unity, some other ways we may speak of God are Life, Light, Love, Substance, Principle, Law and Universal Mind.
Our emphasis is on spiritual transformation. We are each individual, eternal expressions of God. Our essential nature is divine and, therefore, inherently good. The more we awaken to our divine nature, the more fully God expresses in and through our lives.
Unity is a welcoming environment and represents diversity of race, color, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability and sexual orientation.
I have children. Do you have activities for them during your services?
We welcome infants and children of all ages. At Unity of Sarasota, we engage the youngsters in lessons which help support their spiritual growth and positive self-esteem, all while having fun and expressing themselves creatively!
Please read our Youth Ministry page to learn more.
How can I learn more?
Read "About Us" for starters. Then, if you want to know more, explore the other pages of the website, or call us at (941) 955-3301 and speak to one of our ministers or chaplains.
How do I get involved?
There are many ways to connect with us. Please sign up for the Weekly Newsletter or check the Calendar to find out what’s happening.
Volunteer opportunities within our community Ministries offer meaningful service with others who share your interests. Please feel free to approach any of our leaders with questions, as they are here to serve you.What do I wear?
We are a welcoming community with a casual environment. Any style that makes you feel comfortable, whether that means jeans or a more formal outfit is appropriate. You are welcome, not because of what you wear, but because of who you are.
What are your office hours?