Advent Affirmations 2020

Hope Is Assured By Faith
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Rev. Dr. Suzi Schadle – Unity of Sarasota
Faith Affirmations
- I illuminate my path by aligning my words and actions with the consciousness of hope, belief, and faith.
- I see beyond circumstances and place my faith in Truth and allow it to fill my consciousness and my life.
- I awaken to my oneness with God; I commit to deepen my faith.
- I affirm: “I am one with the Divine Source.” I feel my faith grow deeper with this awareness of my oneness with God.
- I consciously and intentionally put my hope, belief, and faith in Father/Mother/God/Spirit and am assured of positive outcomes.
- I spend time in meditation and prayer and open to the infinite possibilities of my life. I activate my faith with the assurance that all is working for my highest good.
Open to have Revealed, all that you need to know in Faith for your Highest Good as you Contemplate F.A.I.T.H
F.—Feel Faith Light a Fire in your Soul
A.—Allow Faith to Awaken your soul & Activate your highest Good
I.—Intend your Faith to Illuminate & Integrate into your Life
T.—Embrace the Truth that your Thoughts are uplifted by Faith
H.—Envision your Faith as Harmony and Heaven on earth
Give Peace, Receive Peace, BE Peace
Sunday, December 6th, 2020
Rev. Dr. Suzi Schadle—Unity of Sarasota
Peace Affirmations
- I know that peace begins with me.
- I choose to bring more peace into myself, into my home, into my workplace, and into my community so that there are seeds of peace vibrating throughout the whole world.
- I consciously use kinder words, non-judging thoughts, loving feelings, and caring actions. I choose to Give Peace, Receive Peace, BE Peace.
- I know that my being the change I wish to see in the world is inspiring a way of life, building a safer world, and creating a world that works for all.
Shalom/Peace = Ah: Sound of Creation; Om: Sound of CompletionBreathe into Wholeness—Ahhhhhhh—Ommmmmmm—Repeat 3 times
The simple act of breathing consciously makes it possible to experience Peace in any situation. Notice your breath as it calms your body, comforts your mind, and soothes your Spirit. BREATHE
- As I breathe slowly and consciously, I find peace in the silence within. feel peace in oneness with God and interconnectedness with all life.
- The peace I long to see in the world begins within me.
- I discover the calm center deep within myself and I allow it to radiate peace and joy into the world.
- I make room and time in my life for the ever-available gift of peace through spiritual practices of meditation and prayer.
- I make peace a priority. Before I start my day, I center myself and take a moment to align my spirit with peace.
- I resolve to live with an open heart and bless others with my peaceful presence. BREATHE
The Power of Love
Sunday, December 13th, 2020
Rev. Dr. Suzi Schadle – Unity of Sarasota
Love Affirmations
Relax into the Support of your Chair—Imagine it is the Warm Heart of Spirit Surrounding & Supporting you with Love. Breathe in Deeply; Follow your Breath as it Envelops your Heart-Space; Exhale Fully.
Find your own Perfect Rhythm in the Circulation of your Breath.
Let the Inspiration & Love of Spirit Breathe you.
- I quiet my mind; in the stillness of my heart, I attune to the nurturing transformative power of Love. Love guides me with clarity and generosity of Spirit in all I think, say, and do.
- I AM One with the Love of God. I allow the creative energy of Love to move through me and direct my actions. I AM Love in being and action.
- I AM the Love of Spirit in expression. I give and receive Love from the Infinite Source of Love—Spirit Itself.
- I AM the gift of Love and Presence. I give the gift of unconditional Love to all of God’s Creation. I brighten the world by radiating Love.
- I share the gifts I have been given in Loving Service, Compassion and Kindness. As I give Love, I find it reflected back to me.
- I open my heart to experience and express Love freely. I am a place where Love shows up and lives boundlessly.
Joie de Vivre — Joy of Life
Sunday, December 20th, 2020
Rev. Dr. Suzi Schadle – Unity of Sarasota
Joy Affirmations
Relax into the Support of your Chair—Imagine you are dancing with joy and delight with Father/Mother/God/Spirit. Breathe in Deeply; Follow your Breath as it Envelops your Heart-Space; Exhale Fully.
Find your own Perfect Rhythm in the Circulation of your Breath.
Let the Inspiration & Joy of Spirit Breathe you.
- I am Blessed by a Loving and Abundant Universe. I Cultivate Joy by appreciating the Gifts and Blessing of Everyday Life.
- I Create a Gratitude/Joy Journal and Count my Blessings daily. As I focus on my Blessings with Gratitude, my Joy increases exponentially.
- Joy is Inner Experience that Projects itself as Outer Expression.
- My Cup Runneth Over.
- Inspired by Divine Guidance, I express Joy as: spontaneity, playfulness, fun, creativity, and imagination.
- I commit to Share and Spread Joy to all whom I meet.
Feel the Fullness of Joy as you Embrace your Oneness with God.
Know the Joy of God is Within and All Around You.