Heart of Generosity and Giving Practice

From Unity of Sarasota Sunday Talk-11-01-20

With Rev. Dr. Suzi Schadle

A practice for remembering the Oneness of Life is called Tonglen, inspired by ancient Tibetan Buddhist meditation. It is a simple way to join with others and share your love and joy. It is done in the spirit of acknowledging we are all connected and share the experience of life.

(1) Identify three occasions each day when you feel full, expanded, blessed, or joyful. Take a moment to embrace the experience on behalf of all beings.  The blessing you embrace can be as simple as fresh air, the warmth of the sun, a good bowl of soup, or a laugh shared with a friend.

(2) Breathe in the richness of the moment, and breathe out the blessing:     “May everyone know ___________ like this.” Fill in the blank with       peace, joy, ease, happiness, pleasure, nourishment, freedom, beauty, love. You choose.

(3) Feel our interconnectedness. Whatever affects one person directly, affects all of us indirectly. What happens for you when you freely share your bounty? Does your experience of Abundance diminish, or does it increase?

(4) Do this practice anytime you notice a tendency to feel separate, insufficient, shut down or like you have nothing to give.