As of 5/17/24 and on every Friday thereafter, the Unity office will be closed.
Open to approved users only. The new office hours are Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 5 PM


Opening Minds
Touching Hearts
Transforming Lives


Welcome Rev. Elizabeth Longo, our new
Senior Minister!

Rev Elizabeth has served in various leadership roles in Unity for over twenty years including ministerial positions at Unity on the Bay in Miami and Unity of Fort Lauderdale. As a Certified Transitional Specialist for Unity Worldwide, she has supported ministries in Florida, Colorado, and Ohio. She is a Mentor in the Field Licensing Program and faculty member at Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute. Her writing has been published in Unity Magazine and various booklets from Unity Headquarters.

Experience the Beauty of the Unity of Sarasota Labyrinth.

It is a quiet, peaceful place for a walking meditation. Labyrinths evoke metaphor, sacred geometry, spiritual pilgrimage, and the practice of mindfulness. Walking a labyrinth can facilitate your journey, providing a spiritual path for prayer, reflection, and meditation.

It is also a wonderful place for weddings, celebrations of life, and special ceremonies or events. 

Please call our office to get more information: 941-955-3301

I am a student of Unity

Maya Angelou talks with Oprah

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